The objectives of our club are:
- to contribute to the health and well-being of members primarily from the greater Victoria area through their participation in programs of non-competitive, amateur, friendly, family-oriented volkssport walking events. Other official volkssport activities are bicycling, swimming and cross-country skiing.
- to attract new club members through organization, promotion and safe operation of volkssport activities in the greater Victoria area and beyond.
- to collaborate with other volkssport clubs throughout British Columbia and beyond.
- to communicate with club members and volkssporters in general by various media.
- to perform the above in accordance with the standards established by:
Canadian Volkssport Federation/La Federation Canadienne Volkssport (CVF/FCV),
Volkssport Association of British Columbia (VABC) and Internationaler Volkssport Verband (IVV).
Information Manual
Click on any section to view the document
1. Organization of VPWC
2 VPWC Rules and Regulations
3. Operating Policies
4. VPWC Constitution and Bylaws